Cavitation Treatment

Paige Prather Smiles

Cavitation Treatment

Paige Prather Smiles

Cavitation Treatment – Franklin, TN

Help Your Bone to Heal

Cavitations do not always get the attention they deserve within the dental field. They are a serious problem within the jawbone that can affect a patient’s daily life and overall health. Fortunately, Dr. Prather offers effective cavitation treatment that can help your bone to heal and get you on the path to improved wellness. Read this page to learn more about what cavitations are and how our holistic dental team can address them.

What Is a Cavitation?

A cavitation is a spongy place or hole within a bone. This issue can occur virtually anywhere in the body, but it is most common in the jawbone. Often, it develops after a tooth extraction. Part of the periodontal ligament that surrounded the tooth may get left behind in the empty socket. Your body might get tricked into believing that a tooth is still there. As a result, the socket never gets completely filled in with new bone.

Of course, extractions are not the only possible cause of cavitations. They can also be the result of trauma, clotting disorders, and certain medications.

Symptoms of Cavitations

Cavitations are a serious problem because harmful bacteria and toxins can collect within the empty space in the bone. In some cases, significant deposits of mercury have even been found within cavitations.

An untreated cavitation can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, including:

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Cavitations

Cavitations can be somewhat challenging to diagnose. They may not appear on routine X-rays. If they do appear, they may be nothing more than a slight variation in the jawbone’s texture. However, Dr. Prather has advanced training, experience and the best technology to identify these problem areas. If you are exhibiting symptoms of a cavitation, she will do all she can to accurately diagnose the problem and provide proper treatment. As a first step a CBCT scan will be taken of both jaws which can provide much more detailed information than an routine X-ray. A biopsy might also be necessary to understand the full extent of the problem.

Treatment for a cavitation usually involves surgery. Dr. Prather will carefully and accurately access the cavitation guided by the CBCT measurements and remove the dead bone tissue, bacteria and other dead cells in the hole. In many cases access can be limited which makes it difficult to fully eliminate the infection with a traditional approach. That is why Dr. Prather takes extra measures including the Fotona laser Sweeps protocol, ozone disinfection, PRF and laser biostimulation to help eliminate the offending bacterial, cells and toxic deposits as well as speed healing and recovery. Most patients use our recommended homepathic remedies for recovery and minimal to no over the counter medication after surgery.

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